What are Quick-Snap Sprinklers?
Our sprinkler company in Amherst, VA, provides gear-driven rotating sprinklers just like the ones contractors install. Only you don't have to trench the lawn or pay for buried plumbing. They stay safely buried in place until needed. You can mow right over them. Just snap your hose on to the swiveling quick-connect and water pressure pushes the riser up 5 inches above the ground. A powerful stream throws water 17 to 40 feet at 2.5 gallons per minute. You set the rotation from 40-360 degrees. Both settings are right on top and easy to make while the unit is on or off. When you turn off the water, the riser drops back below ground where it stays ready till next time. All it takes is a garden trowel to dig a 4-inch hole, 9 inches deep. That's it: plant them, point them, set them, forget them. No assembly required. Plant them right next to drives or sidewalks, in flower beds - anywhere, really. Corners are good spots. Most front lawns can be watered with just two, each in an opposite corner. The backyard will probably take 3. For smaller areas to water, you'll need the Quick-Snap Spray which is not included in this DIY water sprinkler kit. The swiveling hose connect makes it easy to snap on the hose from any direction. Instructions for DIY sprinkler installation are included and they are very simple. These are industrial strength sprinklers that will give years of faithful service. Depending on your water pressure, you can string two them off the same hose line using the
Y-connectors which are included; you can even add a timer at the faucet. These units can be removed and taken with you to the new house when you move. Worried about winter freeze damage in your area? You may want to order a Quick-Snap Air Purge.
It blows out the water with an ordinary bicycle pump.
Each sprinkler comes with its own hose quick-connect and a bright orange cap to help find the unit when the grass grows long, lush and green.

I love how easy it was to install, and adjust; literally took me about 15 mins to put 2 in the ground; 5 units in under 35 minutes. It was harder settling on where to put them than actually installing them. Better than that, is the coverage; simply AWESOMESAUCE! bought the 5 sprinkler kit I have a 3,503 sqft front turf, I had 3 Orbit above ground sprinklers to cover that. I only needed 2 of yours. Now I can pop these babies in the yard and cover the other 5k sqft on the sides and back of the house. This is probably the best lawn equipment I've bought yet. Thank you for inventing this.
​​​ - Charles Pickett (8/20)